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  • Writer's picturealicestarr399

Will conjoined twins born with four arms, two legs, and two heads be separated?

Doctors at the Mansoura University Hospital in Egypt were amazed at the birth of conjoined twins with four arms, two legs, and two heads.

The babies look like one child from the torso down, but from the top, they each have a head and a neck, and two arms.

However, the babies' mother whose identity remains anonymous was not surprised as she was aware that she was expecting conjoined twins.

The twins were delivered through c-section and their genders have not yet been made public.

It is thought that babies will never be separated because they share too many organs in the chest.

However, according to The Mirror, this isn't always the case because it is technically possible to separate conjoined twins with medical intervention.

The babies are currently receiving further treatment at a specialist children’s hospital.


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